A. Call to Order
B. Attendance
C. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Special Recognition
A. Celebrating Successes: Forensics State Championship
Danielle Tier, BHHS Teacher and Forensics Coach
Students being honored: Paul Abdelnour, Caleb Bivens, Zoe Deprez, Trudy Gechter, Sarah Haddad, Sloane Jaffe, Lauren Kupleian, David LaBond, Julia LaBond, Elle Pierre, Kendall Schulz, Justice Southward, and Hughie Watters
B. Celebrating Successes: Michigan DECA State Conference
Tina Kavanagh, BHHS Teacher and DECA Advisor
Students being honored: Ben Guettler, Nicholas Guettler, Aileen Hsi, Forest Qin, Omair Raziuddin, Alex Siu and Jack Victor
C. Celebrating Successes: Presidential Scholar and Semi-Finalists
Lynne Gibson, Principal, International Academy
Students being honored: Adnan Mahir Khan, Aadit Jain and Qingging Ouyang
D. Celebrating Successes: BHHS CyberHawks
Bridget Kravchenko, Parent Volunteer Coach
Students being honored: Vijay Daita, Alex Hiott, Aileen Hsi, Jacob Iwrey, Douglas Kravchenko, and Adnan Rashi
E. Celebrating Successes: Deaf and Hard of Hearing National Award Winners Storytelling Contest
Jason Rubel, Principal for East Hills Middle School
Students being honored: Drew Ginther, Charlotte Morgan and Jorges Torres Mendoza
F. Celebrating Successes: Girls Varsity Soccer State Champions
Alan Zakaria, Head Coach
Students being honored: Ava Badallo, Charlotte Carleton, Lauren Cuson, Ava Duquette, Lily Ehmann, Brooke Green, Avary Hall, Emily Henry, Lola Halsband, Avery Law, Joelle Lawor, Drew Martin, Emma Merchant, Jakyah O’Rourke, Jenna Ofiara, Jenica Opdahl, Elaina Perrotta, Esther Rosett, Sofia Spano, Alice Spiegel, Tess Wright
3. Public Comment
A. Public Comment
To submit public comment during a meeting of the Bloomfield Hills Schools Board of Education, please complete a comment card and present it to the administrative professional recording minutes prior to the agenda item.
4. Superintendent's Report
Pat Watson, Superintendent
5. Board President's Report
Dr. Michelle Southward, Board President
6. Superintendent Search Update
Dr. Michelle Southward, Board President
7. Healing and Response Plan Update
Pat Watson, Superintendent
8. Diversity Assembly Investigation Committee Update
Diversity Assembly Investigation Committee
9. Consent Agenda
A. Consent Agenda Motion
John VanGemert, Board Secretary
I move that the Board of Education approve the recommendations detailed in the Consent Agenda as follows:
B. Request to Approve the Minutes from the Study Session of April 13, 2023
C. Request to Approve the Minutes from the Regular Meeting of April 27, 2023
D. Request to Approve the Minutes from the Special Meeting of May 2, 2023
E. Request to Approve the Minutes from the Study Session of May 11, 2023
F. Request to Approve the Minutes from the Special Meeting of May 17, 2023
G. Request to Approve Monthly Financial Reports
Karen Hildebrandt, Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Operations
I move that the Board of Education approve the financial reports, as presented.
H. Request to Approve Disbursement Reports
Karen Hildebrandt, Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Operations
I move that the Board of Education approve the disbursement reports, as presented.
I. Request to Approve Food Services Management Contract Renewal
Karen Hildebrandt, Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Operations
I move that the Board of Education approve the Food Service Management Contract Renewal with Aramark Educational Services, LLC to provide food services management for the 2023-24 fiscal year.
J. Request to Approve HR Actions
Keith McDonald, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
I move that the Board of Education approve the personnel actions, as presented.
10. General Discussion
A. Transportation Center Location Discussion
B. Wing Lake Playground Equipment Discussion
C. Catchment Areas Discussion
11. Board Business
A. Request to Approve Cooperative Agreement between Bloomfield Hills Schools and Charter Township of West Bloomfield Parks and Recreation Commission
Pat Watson, Superintendent
I move the Board of Education to approve the Cooperative Agreement between Bloomfield Hills Schools and Charter Township of West Bloomfield Parks and Recreation Commission, as presented.
B. Request to Authorize Purchase Agreement (3115 Franklin Road) and Appoint Designee
Alan Jaros, Director of Bowers School Farm and Johnson Nature Center
I move the Board of Education to proceed with legal preparation of a Purchase Agreement for 3115 Franklin Road, with conditions and contingencies providing the District the right to back out at anytime. Additionally, to authorize the Superintendent to designate Alan Jaros and Nature Center community member(s) to engage in communications with seller and sellers agent.
C. Request to Award C2307 BP6.2 Building Sitework - All Elementary Schools
Paul Wills, BHS Owner's Rep / Plante Moran CRESA
I move the Board of Education to award elementary school building site work to Michigan Recreational Construction in the amount of $674,810 plus a 10% contingency of $67,481 for a grand total of $742,291.
D. Request to Award C2308 BP7 Early Childhood Renovations (New Eastover)
Paul Wills, BHS Owner's Rep / Plante Moran CRESA
I move the Board of Education to approve renovation work for the future Early Childhood Center located at 1101 Westview Road for a total of $3,267,621.50. This is $486,367.50 under the original bond budget for this project.
E. Request to Award EPDM Roofing and Metal Panels for Conant Elementary New Media Center
Paul Wills, BHS Owner's Rep / Plante Moran CRESA
I move the Board of Education award Conant's roofing to KJP Roofing and Sheet Metal, Inc. in the amount of $88,000 funded by the 2020 Bond Fund and according to change order request #31 award Silverline contracting LLC for the metal panels $93,682.82 funded by Conant's construction contingency.
F. Request to Approve Classroom Technology for North and South Middle Schools
David Shulkin, Director of Learning and Performance Technology
I move the Board of Education approve the purchase of Classroom Technology for North & South Hills middle schools for a total of $218,801.50. Award is to be paid from Bond funds.
G. Request to Approve IA PTIA's Gym AV System Purchase
David Shulkin, Director of Learning and Performance Technology
I move the Board of Education approve the purchase of AV technologies totaling $35,000 for Okma Campus Gym. The total includes award to Third Coast Tech, LLC for the the procurement, installation and integration of the AV systems. Award is to be paid using IA PTIA funds.
H. Request to Support or Disapprove Oakland Schools Proposed FY24 General Fund Budget
Siva Kumar, ISD Budget Board Designate
I move that the Board of Education to adopt the attached resolution (in support of or to disapprove), the FY 2023-24 proposed budget for Oakland Schools, as presented.
I. Board Intern Program Committee Recommendation
Paul Kolin, Board Intern Program Chair
I move the Board of Education to appoint Students G and L as Board Interns, and Students F, S, M, N and U as the Student Advisory Council for the 2023-24 school year.
12. Adjournment